Explore the Power of Tianlong's Gentier 48E: A Breakthrough in PCR Technology
Release Date 2023-11-22

In the world of genetic testing and molecular diagnostics, innovation is key. At Tianlong, we take pride in our commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology to provide the best solutions for our customers. In this article, we will delve into the incredible capabilities of the Gentier 48E Real-Time PCR System, a true game-changer in the field.


Unveiling the Gentier 48E Real-Time PCR System: Redefining Real-Time PCR

When it comes to cutting-edge PCR workstations, the Gentier 48E stands out as a testament to our dedication to innovation and excellence. This remarkable system has been meticulously designed to cater to the diverse needs of laboratories, whether they are large, small, or even mobile.


High Throughput and Speed: Revolutionizing Efficiency

At Tianlong, we understand the importance of time efficiency in laboratories. That's why the Gentier 48E boasts an exceptional capability – the ability to process 48 samples in just one test run. Imagine the convenience of having your results ready in record time.


When we say "rapid," we mean it. The Gentier 48E can scan all 48 wells of fluorescence in a mere 2 seconds, ensuring that your experiments are not only accurate but also incredibly time efficient.


Two Configurations for Maximum Flexibility

We believe in providing options to suit the unique needs of our customers. The Gentier 48E is available in two configurations, each offering distinct advantages.

Standalone Configuration: This option includes a user-friendly 7-inch touchscreen interface. It allows for direct printing of sample amplification curves and CT values when connected to an optional thermal printer. It's the perfect choice for those who prefer a more self-contained setup.

PC Control Configuration: For larger labs with higher throughput requirements, our PC control configuration is ideal. With this setup, a single PC can control up to 10 instruments simultaneously, streamlining your operations and enhancing productivity.


Ensuring Data Integrity with Power Failure Protection

In the world of science, unexpected disruptions can be a major setback. That's why we've incorporated a power failure protection design into the Gentier 48E PCR system. You no longer need to worry about data loss due to sudden power outages. Your experiments will recover seamlessly, ensuring the integrity of your research.


Efficient Temperature Control and Powerful Software Analysis

With the Gentier 48E, we've taken temperature control to a whole new level. It completes a standard PCR amplification process in just 40 minutes, with temperature accuracy held to within 0.1℃. This precision is critical for achieving reliable and reproducible results.

Our software is equally impressive, offering a wide range of functions, including relative quantification, absolute quantification, melting curve analysis, SNP analysis, and compatibility with other fluorescence analysis techniques based on isothermal amplification. You have all the tools you need for comprehensive genetic analysis.



In conclusion, the Gentier 48E Real-Time PCR System from Tianlong represents a significant leap forward in PCR technology. Its high throughput, speed, flexibility, and data integrity features make it an invaluable tool for laboratories of all sizes. Whether you're conducting research in a cutting-edge facility or need on-site testing capabilities, the Gentier 48E is your reliable partner in genetic testing and molecular diagnostics. Trust Tianlong to deliver excellence in every PCR run.

Remember, when it comes to PCR technology, we at Tianlong are dedicated to providing the best, and the Gentier 48E is the embodiment of that commitment.
